**Data Retention Rules** Use data retention rules to comply with the Data Protection Act, etc by: * destroying unsuccessful loan and membership applications after a set time (default 3 months) * redacting personal data from successful applications after a set time (default 18 months) * archiving non-personal data from successful applications to allow trend analysis, etc * destroying data from all miscellaneous forms after a set time (default 3 months) * destroying credit and ID search results after a set time (default 3 months) Data retention rules are set in three ways: 1. At system level you can set the retention periods to be applied: * Long retention period (months until successful applications are redacted and archived) * Short retention period (months until search results, unsuccessful applications and misc forms are destroyed) 2. At form level, you select the specific retention rules to apply to completed forms: * Credit application - redact, purge and archive * Misc form - purge without archive - short period * Misc form - purge without archive - long period * Retain indefinitely (default) //note: form level retention rules are applied based on the last time a form was changed or actioned in workflow, applications are treated as unsuccessful if ANY workflow field __starts__ with Decline, Withdraw, W/D or Fail (eg Declined, Withdrawn, W/D Dup will all be included)// 3. At field level, you can define which fields on application forms are treated as personal data * [[special_treatment|standard library fields]] marked [PD] are always treated as personal data * other fields are treated as personal data if PERSONAL_DATA is added to special treatment * [[special_treatment|standard library fields]] marked [PDS] (eg search results) are treated as sensitive personal data and are always redacted after the short retention period has passed //regardless of the form-level rule applied// * other fields are treated as sensitive personal data if SENSITIVE_DATA is added to special treatment //note: sensitive personal data is destroyed when the short retention period has passed from the date the customer submitted their form, not from the date of any credit or ID searches// Encryption of sensitive personal data (new in release 6.8) * Sensitive personal data is now encrypted on the database for additional security in the event of a data breach * Encryption is automatically applied to all [PDS] fields, and fields marked SENSITIVE_DATA in special treatment