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Special Treatment

Output fields

The special treatment field in article segments for text segments allows you to select different display formats.

HIGHLIGHT highlights the text block so special messages stand out. Text marked as [b]bold[/b] will be displayed as a header (HTML5 only)

SECTIONHEAD uses a large font to show the start of a new section of the form (bold text in HTML4 option)

Input fields

The special treatment field in article segments for user input allows you to access features such as address lookups. The main features are listed below:

You can use a semicolon to apply multiple special treatments to the same column - eg READONLY;ADDRESS_LOOKUP_LINE2 will mark the column readonly, and identify it as Address Line 2 for a lookup

TYPE validation

TYPE=field_type - this carries out additional validation on text field input. Field types include EMAIL, NUMBER, POSTINT, POSTINTORZERO, POSNUMBER, POSTNUMBERORZERO, PHONE, DATE, NINO (National Insurance Number), - a specific case of the email type, which will only allow emails matching the given domains to be used

[due 1-August-2015]: TYPE=DATE expanded to allow all of the following

  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE - allow only future dates
  • TYPE=DATE:PAST - allow only past dates
  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE/PAST:Lxb - less than x days/months/years in the future/past
  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE/PAST:Gxb - greater than x days/months/years in the future/past
  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE/PAST:LExb - less than or equal to x days/months/years in the future/past
  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE/PAST:GExb - greater than or equal to x days/months/years in the future/past


  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE:L30D - less than 30 days in the future
  • TYPE=DATE:PAST:GE18Y - greater than or equal to 18 years in the past (eg age at least 18)
  • TYPE=DATE:FUTURE:G0D:L1M - less than 1 month in the future, and not today
  • note:Today's date will be allowed by both PAST and FUTURE - eg FUTURE:L1Y allows today. Use G0D to exclude today's date.


READONLY - this makes a field readonly, this is particularly useful for address lookup fields where the lookup will populate the field, and you do not want the user to be allowed to overwrite the information


This is used to access functions such as lookups, and is normally attached to a button.

View the list of form_functions

View the list of library field names


There are a number of workflow automation tasks you can use in your workflows. Use the CALL attribute to trigger the automation task for a specific field (usually when the field changes to “Ready”).

View the list of workflow automation tasks

special_treatment.1466931896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/20 16:49 (external edit)